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Membership Page

Welcome to the Black Ski, Inc Membership Page.

The club has implemented a new membership signup procedure.

We are now using an on-line form for new memberships and for renewed memberships.

The on-line form accommodations payments by check and by PayPal and by credit card via a PayPal guest account.  For PayPal methods, a service fee is added (~3.5%).

Users will receive an email confirmation upon form [submission].

The table below shows the membership categories and fees.

Check Payment
PayPal Payment
New Single
$ 55.00
$ 57.50
New Family
$ 90.00
$ 93.76
New Youth
$ 20.00
$ 21.23
New Lifetime
$ 500.00
$ 518.59
Renew Single
$ 30.00
$ 31.59
Renew Family
$ 45.00
$ 47.14
Renew Youth
$ 10.00
$ 10.87

If the on-line form does not work for you, the old pdf form is available for download for now.  


For questions or comments:

Mike Saizan,,  301-785-2964

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