Leadership Team
Term 2022-24
President Ty Clark
Administrative Support Tammy Madison
Fundraising Lisa Alford
Racing Michael Lanier
Youth Sanitta Lanier
Term 2021-23
Finance Kathy Lambert
Advanced Planning Vera Johnson
Communications Alvin Frazier
Hospitality [Vacant]
Membership L'Tanya Talley
Secretary Dawnn McCleary
The Executive Committee consists of the following elected officers: President, Secretary, and Vice Presidents for Finance, Advance Planning, Administrative Support, Youth, Hospitality, Membership, Racing, Fundraising and Communications. The primary function of the Executive Committee is to implement the policies established by the Board of Directors and to supervise the direction of Black Ski, its committees and publications. Executive Committee Members serve for a term of 2 years with terms split into alternating years.
Russ Bacon
Ricky Hotten
Rod Quick
Betty Jones
Lenny Milner *
Ken Ford
Sandy Henderson
J Laws Nickens
Furman Marshall *
Mickey Diggs *
Donny Claytor *
Ray Mott *
Jim Thorne *
* Founders
Interim Chairman
Interim Chairman
President - Ty Clark
The president shall be the presiding officer at the general membership and executive meetings and shall administer all business of Black Ski as provided for by the Bylaws.
Secretary - Dawnn McCleary
The Secretary shall Write and prepare all executive committee and general membership meeting minutes; Make copies of all minutes of previous meetings available to the general membership prior to each general membership meeting; Handle any correspondence necessary for the executive committee.
Advanced Planning - Vera Johnson
The Vice-President of Advanced Planning will plan and promote club activities and calendar.
Administrative Support - Beverly Broady
The Vice-President of Administrative Support shall provide computer assistance and clerical support, distribution of all written communication, and other support as needed to maintain efficient operation of the club.
Finance - Kathy Lambert
The Vice-President of Finance shall maintain financial records, prepare internal reports for the general membership, prepare all external documents for auditors, receive estimated budget, reports from committee vice presidents, prepare an annual budget, receive and allocate funds for club activities, supplies and the like.
Fundraising - Lisa Alford
The Vice-President of Fundraising shall plan and implement activities that will assist the club in meeting its financial obligations.
Hospitality - Meishia Hunter
The Vice-President of Hospitality shall extend greetings and fellowship to all members and guests of the club at all activities and club events.
Membership - L'Tanya Talley
The Vice-President of Membership shall conduct the annual membership drive, recruit and provide orientation for the new members, establish programs to renew inactive members.
Adult Racing - Michael Lanier
The Vice-President of Racing shall coordinate all racing activities, establish racing teams and programs, promote and generate enthusiasm for racing among club members.
Communications - Alvin Frazier
The Vice-President of Communications and Public Relations shall prepare all written communication to club members as well as serve as club liaison to the media.
Youth - Sanitta Lanier
The Vice-President of Youth shall promote activities among youth up to and including 18 years old.